
Happy 2024

Holiday Photo

2023 was a decent year. The biggest thing that happened was that I took a 2.5 month leave of absence from work since I was pretty burnt out and needed a break. This was the longest break away from work I’ve ever had since I think my junior year of high school. In college I always either worked or went to summer school in the summer.

Being able to do this is very much a position of privilege, but my advice is if you have the ability to do this, do it. Nothing really significant happened during this time off and that was by design. I am great at overwhelming myself with plans or feelings that I ‘should’ be doing more, so I didn’t make plans and just went with the flow. I did a lot of e-bike rides with my daughter all around the Seattle area and put about 800 miles on our RadWagon.

The one thing I wanted to do that I didn’t get to was doing a bikepacking trip, where I biked somewhere and camped overnight. This is something I hope to do in 2024.

My other goal in 2024 is to be less of a fat slob. My eating habits are terrible. I bike to work every day I go in, but 99% of the time that’s e-biking. There’s nothing wrong with that but I always plan to acoustic bike in (thanks to bobco85 for that term) but I get lazy at the last minute. I just need to start somewhere and not think about it too much.

Happy 2024 to all y’all!